German GPA Converter

Convert your Indian Percentage/CGPA to German GPA. This calculator checks if an Indian CGPA is similar to a German GPA, helping users to see if they match specific German grade requirements. By using this Calculator, you will be able to determine whether you can fulfill the requirements.

How to use German GPA Converter

For example:

  • In the first box, enter the grades you have scored.
  • If your existing qualification's grading scale is out of 10, enter the minimum marks you required to pass the exam.
  • If your existing qualification's grading scale is out of 10, enter 10 in the second box.
  • Grading system in Germany

    The German grading system generally uses a scale ranging from 1.0 to 6.0, with 1.0 being the highest grade and 4.0 denoting the minimum passing level.

    1.0 - 1.5 - Very Good (sehr gut)
    1.6 - 2.5 - Good (gut)
    2.6 - 3.5 - Satisfactory (befriedigend)
    3.6 - 4.0 - Sufficient (ausreichend)
    4.1 - 6.0 - Fail (nicht ausreichend)

    A grade of 5.0 or 6.0 indicates a failing performance.

    Grading system in India

  • The Indian marking or grading system mainly uses a percentage scale, with students graded depending on their performance in examinations.
  • For example, a score of 90% or higher is commonly associated with a "A" grade, indicating exceptional performance, whereas a score of 40-50% may be regarded a passing grade, typically a "C" or "D."
  • In contrast, the German grading system uses a numerical scale from 1 to 6, with 1 being the highest grade (excellent) and 4 being the lowest passing grade.
  • A score of 1.0 to 1.5 is deemed "very good," while 4.0 indicates passing. Scores below 4 are considered failing, with 6 being the lowest.
  • Some Indian colleges grade/score very stringently because the minimum percentage required to graduate is 50%. So, if you were an average student at this college, your CGPA/Percentage would be 7.0, or 70%.
  • Using the following conversion table, your GPA on the German scale would be 2.80. Most prominent German colleges, however, may reject your application outright if your GPA is higher than 2.50 on the German scale.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Why do I need to calculate my German grade?

    Can I use the calculator for grades from any country?

    Are the results guaranteed to match German university evaluations?

    What details do I need to use the German Grade Calculator?

    Do all German universities accept converted grades?

    Are online German Grade Calculators accurate?

    Is there a difference between calculating bachelor's and master's grades?